Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Moving From Goals to Godly Goals
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
We may have many desires in life. We will realize some of them, but as desires depend on circumstances outside of our control, we will inevitably fail others. That is why we cannot form our identiy in our desires. Instead, we should form our identity through chasing Godly goals, which, unlike chasing desires, is completely within our control. Then, after having built a Godly foundation internally, we can, and indeed should, live out God's goals externally. Through doing so, we will find that even at times when our desires in life are torn apart and crushed, we will still be on track in God's plan, which in turn will lead to changes that are far better than any desire we can ever imagine.
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Why Faith is Long and Winding (Day in the Sun!)
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Faith is a series of ongoing conversations, like a long and winding road where there may be detours, delays, and most importantly, doubt. Our relationship with faith is also a nonlinear process; there are moments when we talk ourselves out of believing in God. Like Nicodemus and his admiration of Jesus, we may never know if our neighbors and friends are close to believing in God, but He may be drawing them to Him. Though so many have shelved their faith, in today’s Day in the Sun service, we are reminded that God can use us to bring others back to belief.
Monday May 22, 2023
Taming the Chaos of Uncertainty Through Discipline.
Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
There are multiple factors that are hugely important for the health of our spiritual life. One is the discipline of the heart, which is paramount for keeping our human propensity to wander in check. When we are experiencing the highest highs or the deepest sufferings, the danger of our expectations and internal wiring can lead us wayward in our expressions of ministry and what we assume is permissible in the Christian life. After all, while the human heart errs towards stupidity, pride, and greed, we are also often unaware of our faulty expectations of the Father in this journey of faith. In order to mitigate the deceit of the heart and avoid undue damage to our communities, Dr. Sammy encourages us to establish mechanisms for curbing the deceit in our hearts, build a habit of introspection, and consider whether our lives reflect the ministry set by Jesus.
Monday May 15, 2023
Discipline of the Heart: Hevel
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
The Book of Ecclesiastes grapples with the notion that life under the sun is hevel - or put another way - meaningless. Like hevel, which means vapor or smoke in Hebrew, our lives on Earth are fleeting and ultimately outside our grasp. However, while our choices and actions may seem like fruitless toil in our limited understanding, they reveal where our heart truly is in relation to God. The discipline of the heart is looking to God, instead of everything else, for meaning and hope. It's a discipline because it requires sacrifice; we let go of the other ways we try to instill meaning in our lives, and in exchange, make room for God, who gives our lives eternal significance.
Monday May 08, 2023
The Cost and Reward of Surrendering to God’s Will.
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
We as humans tend to be self-interested, but that is not necessarily a sin, since we depend on a degree of self-care to survive. This means, however, that when God calls us to do something, we will naturally find tension between our goals and God's goals. At these times, we should recognize that God is calling us to something more purposeful and powerful and to, with God's help, make sacrifices against our self-interest to answer His call. In reward, we receive God's shalom: permanent completeness and wholeness. Indeed, He will make whole everything that is broken.
Monday May 01, 2023
The Rewards and The Costs of Cultivating A Safe But Not Soft Community.
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
The vision of the church is to cultivate a safe and authentic community that brings believers into discipleship. What makes an authentic community hard to achieve is our tendency to hide from our own faults and failures, which is behavior that stems from the brokenness of original sin. If the cost of an authentic community is our discomfort in the acts of sharing our pain and striving towards greater accountability, then why build the discipline of Christian community? As shown by the exchange between Peter and Jesus after the Resurrection, the discomfort of living in an authentic community allows us to grow and flourish as God meant for us to - because we can be intimate enough to confess our sins and journeys towards repentance.
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Our Identity In Desires And Goals
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
In metropolitan hubs like NYC, many of us identify with being ambitious in our goals and orienting our lives towards achieving them. However, a prevalent pitfall lies in how we may end up establishing our identities in our achievements and goals. After all, it is not unnatural to want our desires to come to fruition. But when our goals appear to be out of reach, blocked, or uncertain, eliciting negative thoughts and beliefs, how can we trust in the promise that the Father has plans to prosper us? When we recognize our true identities formed through salvation in Christ, trust him to do the heavy lifting for things outside of our control, and align ourselves to his plan, we may just find that there is peace of mind and heart in who we are and in the character of the one who is in control.
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
The story of Job gives us wisdom for wrestling with our doubt in the face of great obstacles. In painful or uncertain times we tend to search for answers to our questions, and when we don't get any explanations, it becomes easy to lose hope in a God who is fair and compassionate. But Job's story teaches us that instead of answers, it is God himself we must cling to. We can cry out to God with our heartbreak and frustrations, we can study Scripture to remind ourselves of God's true character, and we can engage wholeheartedly with community to practice forgiveness and celebration with each other. These disciplines are the foundation of putting our trust in God - of having faith not in ourselves and what we can see, but in the One who works for and loves us beyond our understanding.
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Defaults are habits of behaviors that help us cope with life’s struggles. When we try to stop resorting to harmful defaults, such as in Lent, we learn that old habits die hard because we create routines in which we are rewarded for coping with certain triggers by repeating certain behavior. It’s not that our need to cope is bad, it’s that our coping mechanisms hint at our need for something only God can satisfy. Though scripture states the “days are evil”, meaning life will give us enough struggles, the good news is that we can create habits of accessing the Spirit to help fill our need to cope with the transcendent love of God.