Tuesday May 19, 2020
Pentecost: It's Our Turn Now "Taking the Mysticism Out of Pentecost"
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
In today’s podcast, Joe and Pastor Lydia discuss the nature of spiritual gifts and how they are given to us for very practical purposes. Oftentimes, gifts from the Holy Spirit can prove to be mystical anomalies, but their true purpose seeks to make a compelling case for Christ through us all. From us and to the world, by being filled by the Holy Spirit daily, we can be empowered to deliver plausible, clear, and bold good news.
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Pentecost: It's Our Turn Now "Our Chronic Subplots"
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
In today’s podcast, Joe and Pastor Lydia talk about the importance of identifying the competing subplots in our lives so that believers could live a life empowered by the Spirit. Evidently, laying down our subplots to make room for the next phase of mission is a critical step in our discipleship journey that brings us to reflect, triple check our motivations and adhere to the teachings of the greatest coach of all time: Jesus. Though our subplots tend to be chronic and not so easy to eliminate, we aren’t in this battle alone. The wind of the Spirit is with us to put these subplots to rest and free us from bondage.
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Pentecost: It's Our Turn Now! "Start From Where You Are"
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
For many of us, we might find ourselves in a place where we are beginning to want to have candid conversations about Christ with our circle of friends and areas of influence, but perhaps we are left with the question, “where do I begin?” In today’s episode, Joe and Pastor Lydia delve into that very question of how, who, and where we can get started with introducing Christ right from our room to across the world!
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Pentecost: It's Our Turn Now!
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
In today's episode, Joe and Pastor Lydia have a conversation about the importance of evangelism in the Christian life during our first virtual broadcast! As Christians, the great commission issued by Christ on his departure was left in the hands of his disciples, and has been evidently passed down to us over generations of believers. However, many of us trying to live out our faiths may find certain barriers, excuses, and fears that come in the way of our expression of faith through dialogue with others. So, how do we reconcile the necessity of sharing the gospel with our friends and family amid all of these hurdles? Join us for Dr. Sammy’s sermon and this podcast conversation to see how we can be active participants in advancing the Kingdom of God!
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Memories of loved ones, things we enjoy, and nostalgic times serve as an important tool to remind us of things to look forward to once again. We place our hope in better times because we yearn for moments that remind us of home, those moments filled with immense love. But when we revisit those sacred places founded on Jesus's place in our lives, we not only remember, but rediscover the power of the gospel that opened our eyes to God's grace.
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Easter: Hope Again
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Easter marks a day of celebration despite these strange and unprecedented times. Hope can seem absent in the face of uncertainties, doubts, and fears in a world that feels like it is closing in on us. But on Easter, the climax of the gospel narrative, God closes the human story and unfolds a divine one: one of grace, a true hero, promises delivered, and death conquered. The resurrection of Christ is the greatest symbol of the Father's faithfulness to us, power over death, and the hope of the world.
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Lent: From Fear to Love
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Fear tends to lead us on a trajectory that we are often not proud of, or even end up regretting. The feeling of fear overtakes any rationale or reason, accuses and blames for self-preservation's sake, and highlights some of our worst moments. But we aren't bound to a life of giving into fear; we are more than the worst parts of ourselves. Through love, we have the potential to combat our fear and demonstrate grace and mercy. Love, unlike fear, is not a feeling that grabs hold of us—it's a deliberate, intentional action, and a choice we can make to be the best of ourselves.
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Lent: From Fear to Faith
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Fear is not one-size-fits-all, as Dr. Sammy says in this week's remote service. It’s been three weeks since we’ve transitioned into a socially distanced life, and many of us may be experiencing fear in a variety of different forms, whether technical or adaptive. But, how do we move from fear to faith during this unprecedented time? In this week's podcast, Pastor Lydia and Joe converse about how we can cling to the prince of peace through this storm.
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Lent: The Hero Of Our Journey
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
COVID-19, for many of us, has become a major source of fear and panic that seemed to occur almost overnight. In this weeks podcast, Joe and Pastor Lydia discuss how difficult times, such as this pandemic, emphasize our need for a savior, the real hero in our stories, and the supply of our strength and hope when we feel our resolve running low. It’s when all measures fail, and we fall short that looking up is how we remember that God is good.
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Lent: The Hold Of Power
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
When something like the coronavirus pandemic threatens our sense of control and autonomy, it can reveal our true character. We are capable of being generous in plenty, but what happens when we're vulnerable during a time of fear? The lesson of the third temptation was that in spite of how bad his circumstances were, Jesus trusted in God and stayed true to his values. The temptation of hostile self-preserving behavior can be seductive, but by following Jesus's example and having no rivals in our relationship with God, we can become ambassadors of Christ in a time of need.