Monday Sep 20, 2021
Where is God Working to Un-cancel Our Individual Story?
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
In a world where we are quick to define people by their darkest hours and their mistakes, we tend to assume that our lives cannot be anything more than stories of error and failure. However, the good news of the gospel offers a different trajectory for our lives: one of transformation and redemption. When we examine ourselves and our lives through the lens of Christ rather than through a worldly or internal lens, we see hope, for our worst moments are exactly what the Father uses to write the most powerful parts of our stories. If we refuse to give into narratives of shame and failure, if we are honest with ourselves and with others about the fallen places we start from, and if we allow that honesty to drive us to love and follow Christ, then our lives become part of the Father's grand narrative, which is an eternal story of endless grace.
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Finding Freedom from the Burden of Religiosity
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
The Christian faith is often depicted as an elimination diet, wherein people carry the notion that salvation is a product of expunging their weaknesses and sin for the sake of perfection. Thereby, what it means to be Christian is ultimately associated with an unrelatable, picture-perfect faith that many hopeful believers try to imitate, only to fall victim to impostor syndrome. However, the silver lining that resides in the human conflict between flesh and spirit reveals that development of a genuine faith is a process involving our struggle with our natural proclivities and our need for grace. An authentic faith models our necessity for Christ. The gospel saves us, not because we are able to achieve any semblance of perfection by our own doing, but because from where we stand and just the way we are, the true hero of the story finds and saves us time and time again.
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
The Gospel‘s Response in the Age of Deconstruction
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Most of us distrust leaders of large institutions like the church because the spirit of our age is about defining people by moments of failure. We expect perfection from those in power, and our shattered ideals cause us to become more punitive towards our leaders. But looking through a gospel lens, we learn that the early church was not about perfection, but about direction, wherein Jesus selected failures to lead the church in order to redeem and shape them into saints. In this light, God's grace, generosity, and redemption helps us understand that we are placing our trust not in our own brokenness, but in God's power to transform people.
Monday Aug 30, 2021
How to Overcome Spiritual Disappointment
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Monday Aug 30, 2021
One common denominator amongst all of humanity is that we encounter disappointment in others. When we carry expectations and hold people in high regards, coming to terms with our shattered ideals could be difficult. However, being let down by others' shortcomings helps us recalibrate reality and elevate the treasure of Christ where he rightfully belongs. Christ above others helps us not only forgive others and ourselves in the face of our disappointment, but also helps to keep the purpose of ministry in perspective.
Monday Aug 23, 2021
The Shameless Father
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Dr. Darrell Johnson, Teaching Fellow at Regent College, joins us this week with an exposition on the character of God, the Shameless Father. In this sermon, Dr. Johnson offers insight on why the believer’s relationship with prayer is key to our relationship with the Father and how in our prayer, our reception of the Holy Spirit is at play. Through the Parable of the Friend at Midnight found in the book of Luke, Jesus reveals to us an assurance found in the character of God who would never put his people and his name to shame and that those who ask, seek, and knock on the door of the one inside the house shall receive, find, and will be welcomed in.
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Building Community that Unites in Spite of Differences
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
In diverse communities, certain traditions, perspectives, and cultural norms start to influence one another. This is why there are often differences among people within the church. But though these differences define how we understand ourselves and others, sometimes it can create tension within the church. And sometimes, these disagreements can gain too much importance. When we forget Christ's message of unity and let our differences define and divide us, we run the risk of losing a community that's united by a shared goal of loving each other and growing together in Christ.
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
The Fruit of the Spirit: Exploring the Duality of our Human Nature
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
The overarching motif that captures the central aim of the church and the believer’s faith expression is to love our neighbors as ourselves. However, each of our faith journeys demonstrate a fundamental tension between our default humanity and the new creation we find in Christ: the original sin that resides in our flesh and the grip of the fruit of the spirit borne out of redemption. In our spiritual lives, the organic process of life change is not only evident in how we impact our relationships, but evidence of the work of the Spirit who aims to love and bless our friends and family through our own transformation. When we acknowledge the saving grace of Jesus and experience the redemption of our default nature, the fruit that scripture unveils manifest and blesses others and ourselves.
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
The Parable of the Sower 5: Redefining the Notion of Success
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
The fruit of a flourishing spiritual life is marked by a humility and self-restraint borne out of compassion for others, which prompts the question: are we pursuing prosperity for our own sake and glory, or do we perpetuate our blessings outwards in order to bless those around us? It is often in the valleys of life where we grow in our capacity to reciprocate prosperity; for although the painful seasons we endure seem so full of futility and waste, they are actually the very resources God uses to transform our hearts to care about other people and their stories. When God grows our compassion from our brokenness, and that compassion drives us to connect to the people around us, the glory of God truly shines and fills us with real joy, understanding, and love.
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Moving From Covert Duplicity to Overt Intimacy
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Monday Jul 26, 2021
In our society and social groups, it has always been the widely accepted norm to be expressive our physical needs with others but when it comes to our struggles and internal world, why do we find it so difficult to share? Many of us live our lives according to a script - resulting in an act that refrains us from an honest account of our vulnerable emotional needs. But what could it look like to disavow the duplicitous behaviors in our relationships and subscribed to vulnerability as a value? There is a rich life in Christ and the reward of real relationships that are in store behind the door of vulnerability and intimacy.
Monday Jul 19, 2021
The Parable of the Sower Part 4 (Carrots and Sticks)
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
It’s normal for us to feel concerned about the future, but that concern becomes anxiety when we focus most of our energy toward uncontrollable circumstances, causing us to waste our mental strength on hypothetical scenarios. Christians today experience emptiness in their faith because of this anxiety epidemic where they focus more on an illusory problem in the future rather than trusting God and living in the present. It is when we surrender our fears of the future to God and steward the gifts that He has given us in the now that we give our lives to what is truly important to God and ourselves.